madness is the stupidest thing ever.
Age 32, Male
April's Womb
Joined on 5/15/07
madness is the stupidest thing ever.
hey paperbat
Back in 1904 krinkles invented madness day because to fuel his ego forever.
thats a great animation there.
I hate that small guys voice acting tough but thats probably just me
why dont you add some light sources to your madness thing
Unblock me on skype
hopefully he doesnt put it on here anytime soon
last thing he needs is 10 billion 12 year old goths annoying him
Awesome! =P (No sarcasm here, you seem to have a lot of haters. =( )
Why Madness? Pico Day is this month while Madness Day is some of months ahead.
I might be accually making a Pico Day game :)
Deliver That Fulp was awesome. I want a part 2, kthx.
Part 2?
Diaper That Fulp
make sure to add a pathetic amount of unfunny dick jokes and racist humor and make sure to have sonic appear at least once.
k :D
Zoey's a gramma
lol, good luck on the madness day thingy :) should be sweeet. n the youtube videoisn't bad at all, its fuckin awesome. I jus wish you could do stuff like that xP
Get on skype :)
looks pretty good.
Somebody with 8 awards can only be REALLY flamed by somebody with the same amount, or more.
Deliver that fulp was a nice little game, the old school feeling was cool.
But nonetheless, those madness guys does not look good :S
Except for the mafioso in the black suit.
Still looking forward to see you submit something new, though :)
The madness characters were based off of the characters from Left 4 Dead
sooooooooooooo........... how bout dem Yankees?
Even if you're not creative, that's still the worst idea I have ever heard. I can't think of a more generic, awful, boring idea.
Oh well
shouldn't you be using your front page posts to promote your singing brother?
ain't he like the one with talent and stuff?
Thats cold :c
Madness Day? what about those twelve other days in between?
Im not jewish ;)
deliver that fulp one of the best games in history
well what i really want to say to you
if you want to join my madness collab we are 10 persosns in the collab if you want to join please PM(private messege)me or pm ninjakoopa-33
Your Madness characters are really fat.
There, I flamed you. :)
Deliver that fulp was the worst game ever made of all times.
PaperBat (Updated )
Awwwww mannnnn :c