Age 32, Male
April's Womb
Joined on 5/15/07
looks like fred talking to the fire guy from pokemon
it looks like you talkin to khawner
When can we L4D? >:C
I must seek out revenge on you =_=
please :c
Ill let you be louis <3
Nope, L4D2 is where its at
Paperpat you fool >:C
Play some Dead 4 Left with Gonzo and I sometime again!!!! aaa
Above and your pettie Xbox and other consoles...
the computer dominates all...
l8s :D
We ARE talking about PC... fail
Can we playz L4D2 together than c: ?
love the brown suit guy!
love you!!!
no your not gonzo told me you guys do Xbox for l4d
>: C
Dont test me hoe, one more comment out of place, and you get yourself a free coupon for 1 free ass whoopin and a ban
she's got me dancin
Funny, that song IS gunna be one of the levels...
i like how you asked me to join then didnt include me :P
ur never on skype, ever...
PaperBat? More like PapperBit.
Nice tie on that guy.
mrpibbs? More like mrsexy <(/^o^//<)
im always on skype, from 2 to 10 weekdays, almost all day weekends.
i practically never get off of skype/the computer. you just have bad timing :P
Im maed outta laffy taffy moda fucka B-)
I wanna make babies with you.
awwww hehehe thanks ^____^
Thats enough
So I suppose you won't need a voice actor for's that project with Van Harken coming along?
I may need a voice actor, i'll hit you up if I need anything.
As for the game with Hans, he is in University now, and has alot of other stuff to do, so I dont wanna hastle him with anything else. We will eventually finish the game, but as for now, we are both back in school, and kinda busy
I see, well, best of luck on Endless Encore, judging by the art it should at least be fun to look at.
May I make a suggestion? Rick Astley :)
Oh god, yes
damn dat shYt is weak u talentless punk ass busta... hustl harder or get th fuck out the game
all yo shYt is...................................
why does the guy in the suit have a backwards left hand
Cause he's cool like that, he's cool like that, he's cool like that,
looks terrible
why would you do this to me