View Profile PaperBat
Sir Thomas @PaperBat

Age 32, Male


April's Womb

Joined on 5/15/07

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3,330 / 3,600
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5.98 votes
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PaperBat's News

Posted by PaperBat - June 13th, 2009

Lets start off by saying I won Soap Knuckles from Luis, which is pretty crazy, cause the odds are so small I dident think much of winning in the first place :/

Power of three is going rather swell, if you can recall back to my last news post, The team im in is Me, AlmightyHans, and Emanhattan. Last post also includes the story.

I wanna share with you guys some flash`s i`ve seen lately that I love, and you may have missed:

Old Mill Pond
Hilarious rendition of the story tellings of Mike Birbiglia. Animated so fluently, with some crazy effects I've never seen done in flash before (Water Effects). Lip sync was also spot on. One of my favorite flashes.

Ackbar: Prankster
You guys are probably gunna rip off my balls for this one, lol. I just find it fucking hilarious, not sure if its the fact that I talk to MeatwadSprite on an (almost) daily basis on skype. But I find the angry Egoraptor-esque humor rather intreguing, through it might have dragged on for a bit too long.

Cooking Sama
Cutesy animations ussually arent my thing, but this flash won me over with its over the top crazy happenings, I mean a piece of toast causing a plane crash, who woulda thunk? Great animation in this one.

Street Fighter Collab
Need I say more? Stamper did an outstanding job on this. Considering how much work was put into this, I dont know how flash handled it all. By far the biggest and best flash collab ever. I was absolutly won over by the time the intro started. Ourstanding.

Chopsticks In Japan
Lack of "incredible" animation was revived by a cute story with a lovely art style. Reminded me of Wall-e right off the bat. Loved every second of it.

Ending Stuffs:
Got Red Faction: Guerilla for the 360, love it. Great game, its got an amazing engine.

Bye Bye!

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Posted by PaperBat - June 6th, 2009

Suprize Suprize, looks like PaperBat is accually participating in Power Of Three, Ohhhhhh.

K so the Team Is ME, AlmightyHans, and Emanhattan. Woopie.

Our game is about this odd fellow who is being held captive in a secret underground government base, where they are using him and many others in this experiment. Many have died, but one man seems to be able to control his powers alot better then everyone else, this is you. Realizing whats going on, you use your powers to try and break free of the government facility. Use your many differant forms and powers to escape the facility, while trying to survive on your way out.


Power Of Three Team

Posted by PaperBat - June 2nd, 2009

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Posted by PaperBat - May 29th, 2009

Posted by PaperBat - May 19th, 2009

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

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Posted by PaperBat - May 11th, 2009


...By the way, whats your Favorite Movie, and Favorite Game on NG?

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Posted by PaperBat - May 4th, 2009


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Posted by PaperBat - April 26th, 2009

Mah name Justin Herd, and im gettin ready to eat 40 pizza rolls in under 2 minutes...


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Posted by PaperBat - April 19th, 2009

...But i've started my Madness Day 09 submittion, pic below, BUT REALLY, IM NOT A CREATIVE PERSON, and I loovvveeeee Left 4 Dead, so yea, :c.

In other news, I've been alerted of this AMAZING flash series that isnt on NG. Video Below.

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You guys should watch the rest of the series, its pretty cool :D


I'm Prepared To Be Flamed...

Posted by PaperBat - April 19th, 2009
